Vital Matter - Solo Show at Muse gallery

Muse Gallery  269 Portobello Road, London W11 1LR 

Please join me for the PV on Thursday 28th February 6.30 - 9.00pm

The exhibition continues until 10th March, Thursday-Sunday 12-6pm 


IVital Matter Sam Hodge will be showing work made by interacting with the dynamic, generative properties of paint. Allowing the paint to flow, erode, fracture or diffuse as it dries, she responds to the patterns that emerge by attempting to control, collect or embellish. Paintings are not static, passive objects, but continue to change slowly throughout their lifetimes, something she has encouraged in a few of these works by choosing pigment mixtures that will fade or change colour.

These paintings and monoprints, with their ridges, rivulets and pools, call to mind anatomical images of bodies, reminding us that we too are made of stuff that actively generates, morphs and disintegrates.